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Change Management for Equity

Over the last few years - from the rooftops of institutional funders to workers embedded in communities - calls for nonprofits to develop more equitable structures have echoed across the nonprofit ecosystem.  Yet, while change is easy to talk about, it's extremely hard to accomplish. Organizations working earnestly to develop more equitable ways of being too often get stymied for a variety of reasons at the expense of mission. And identifying and imagining equitable practices is easier than implementing those ideas, in particular where there are conflicting theories of change. Some aspects of these challenges were given treatment in this 2022 Intercept Article and we continue to observe echoes of these dynamics at play within fiscal sponsors and in the sponsor-project relationship.  Join us for an open conversation where practitioners can share their perspectives on these complex matters.

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January 25

Funding for Fiscal Sponsors

February 22

Why & When Should Projects Spin Out?