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Resourcing Communities Part IV. Government Funding - Challenges, Opportunities & Success Stories

Government funding has played a seminal role in disaster recovery and other social benefit programs, especially in recent years with COVID and a growing cadence of natural disasters.  Yet fiscal sponsors are often loath to accept government resources on behalf of their sponsees for the simple (and understandable) reason that administering government funds is immensely complicated and often administrative costs are not fully recovered. Grassroots organizations and BIPOC communities also have lived experiences that leave them wary of the government.  Yet federal agencies are increasingly mandated to steer resources into advancing social equity.  This positions fiscal sponsors as logical platforms for bridging these divides and better resourcing communities. Join us for a panel discussion that delves into the challenges, opportunities, and success stories around fiscal sponsorship and the government funding landscape.

This conversation may be of particular interest to fiscal sponsors, government agencies, and funders looking to see their grantees better leverage government resources.

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June 1

Resourcing Communities Part III.  Fiscal Sponsorship and Donor Advised Funds - Intersections and Opportunities.

June 29

Charting a Six Month Course Together